
I Am Enough!

Can I just say that I am so happy! I have so much to be grateful for. And as I reflect back on my life and its ups and downs I know that I need to share my journey...but I wonder how much of it I need to share.
This past Sunday the Relief Society lesson was AmAzInG! They went over a few topics while they had us sitting in a circle so we could all see each other.
Before we began the lesson we went around and introduced ourselves, and it actually was really nice getting to know everyone just a little bit better. The first topic covered was modesty. They discussed how important it is to dress modestly and act modestly...not just on Sundays. One of the things that stood out to me in the conversation was that we sometimes dress flashy for our own self gratification...to boost our own self confidence. I think this is so true...and this actually led into the next topic.
The next Relief Society president (we have 2 presidents because our ward is so big) got up and talked about our self-confidence and how important we all are....and how it is important to not sell ourselves short. This topic actually stirred the most within me...I will come back to this.
At the end of the lesson they had three men from the ward (keep in mind I go to a singles ward) and they came in and bore their testimonies of what they are looking for in a woman... how they respect womanhood, and us as woman should respect our own womanhood...it was actually very inspiring, and this topic one of them brought up of "respecting our womanhood" was something I have thought about over the past week as well as it was mentioned my Elder Bednar in a fireside the week prior.
That comment of "respecting your womanhood" got me thinking over that past week. Do I respect myself as a woman...as a DAUGHTER of God? Do I really believe in myself enough? Do I love myself enough? Do I accept who I am? Well...I have pondered and prayed about these questions... and the answer is yes...I am so proud to be me! I am, and I respect myself because I know without a doubt in my mind that I am a daughter of God, and I know the plan of salvation and where I WILL be after this life...cause I am His, and I AM ENOUGH...if I keep His commandments and endure to the end and accept and apply the atonement into my life. This seems like so much, but it is simple...not easy, but simple.
I cannot believe it took me all this time to realize that I love myself! And what changed you might wonder?
Well... I finally understand and accept the atonement into MY life. I have always believed in it...but I didn't feel worthy of it...and with this deeper knowledge of the atonement I have been able to apply it into my life in ways I never knew were possible. I never knew that I could actually forgive the person who took away my agency if but for a moment...but I can now...and my anger is gone, just gone and all I feel is peace.
I know that you can feel this same peace. If you are seeking peace in your life...if you have been hurt and are struggling to accept grace into your life...study the atonement, I mean...really study it! YOU ARE ENOUGH! Jesus Christ loves you, and He can lift whatever weight you carry...you just have to let Him. For me...I had to understand that I was still worth loving, that He still knew my name...that I could still have that temple marriage and family I desired most... for time and ALL Eternity! I can have it....I AM ENOUGH, I refuse to sell myself short!

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