
I have the power to say "No"

Me and my roommate had a good chat tonight...and I would like to share what  I came to realize as a result of this conversation.
See... I have been struggling recently. I was doing so good for a while, and then everything just came apart again. I think it has something to do with the holidays...being alone, and having way too much time within my own head focusing on my past. But, because there was so much thinking going on...which lead to depression...I lost my ability to follow my own values.
I never had a problem standing up for myself, or saying "No" to someone....that was until one moment about 5-6 years ago that that right to say "No" was taken from me. I felt like I lost control to stand up for myself. And over the years since this incident I have had my good days and my bad days, days where I am strong and confident, and days that I am not strong and confident....which I need to remind myself are happening less and less (Yes! More good then bad days!). I am still learning and growing too, I am not perfect...but this isn't an excuse for behaving irresponsibly, I realize.
My point... I have the power to say "No"...its my right! No one....nothing...can take that right away from me. I choose to be myself, to stand up for myself, I know I am worthy enough, still, of what I want out of life....and I need to make choices that will help me get there.
I am sooo thankful for my friends and family that love me enough to help me through these times of up and downs... I know I don't thank you all enough.
I choose to start changing my life today... will you support and help me along the path I am choosing to take?

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