
A Melting Heart

I have been thinking the past few days about one thing... a thing that I thought would be and stay in the past. But see now that sometimes the past isn't really the past because nothing has changed. All the old feelings, hopes and dreams you once had are still the same.
There have been 2 men that I have truly loved in my life. My first love, and to this day I still care and think about him... and my second love who was the most amazing man I have ever met.
The thing is, that my second love has some issues (don't we all?) and there came a time where I could no longer stand by his side although unknowingly my heart would never stop loving him.
Recently I sent this man a letter, no hopes or agenda's on my mind... just genuine eagerness to know how he was doing and to apologize for things long past. Well, although there absolutely was no hopes or agendas, when I spoke with him a few days ago my heart melted.
I never understood the term of a "melting heart"... but now I know what it means and what it feels like. It is so weird to me that my love for this man is just as strong as it was all that time ago.
I wonder if I am strong enough put myself back into this situation.... it is risky. But my best friend last night said "life is about taking risks"... and I know she is right.
If I were to walk away from this... I would ALWAYS wonder about what coulda been.... instead, I will take it a few days at a time...I will make sure I am not slipping into something I shouldn't slip into and give him a little slack to see where this might go.
I know if my mom reads this she will be worried, but I would say...Yes, I have made MANY mistakes... but I cannot live my life not knowing if he is the right one, because my heart tells me he might be.

Love you all, thanks for you support through all the ups and downs in life... please support me thru this... I can not risk loosing the right one due to fear of the unknown.


We Are Of Worth

I want to share some news I received.

As have shared before that there was an ordeal I went thru in St George, I would like you to know that Crime Victims of Utah has decided to cover some important costs related to the ordeal to help me succeed.

I cannot express in words how thankful I am for this blessing.

The reason I am sharing this news is because I know I am not the only victim of crime...there are many who go thru things that they cannot control. I know how hard it is to get yourself out of a tough situation do to fear... I in no way will ever judge a person who stays in an awful situation as I have experienced the fear of leaving.

But, I feel that its important that I share that we are so worth being treated better, that we are children of God and have a royal inheritance. God will provide if we use His strength to better our lives. No matter how much we feel that things may be our own fault, or that we are unlovable... if we just exercise a little bit of faith.... God will guide us in the right direction and send us the tools to succeed whether it be by a helping friend here on earth or by assistance from the State of Utah and Crime Victim centers.



Can I just say that I feel so blessed in this moment. I know God is looking out for me, that He loves me and will provide when I am in need.

The Family Proclamtion to the World

Can I just say that I love my family, I am so blessed to have such great people in my life.

"I have a family here on earth,
They are so good to me.
I want to spend my life with them
Thru all eternity.
Families can be together forver
Thru Heavenly Fathers plan.
I always want to be with my family
And the Lord has shown me how I can,
The Lord has shown me how I can."

I so love my neices and nephews...arent they the cutest? I hope they know how much I love them, and that I will always be there for them.

Below you will find the Family Proclamation To The World by the First Presidency and 12 Apostles, I encourage you to read it.


E, THE FIRST PRESIDENCY and the Council of the Twelve

Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a

woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to

the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.


LL HUMAN BEINGS—male and female—are created in the

image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of

heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and

destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual

premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.


N THE PREMORTAL REALM, spirit sons and daughters knew

and worshipped God as their Eternal Father and accepted

His plan by which His children could obtain a physical

body and gain earthly experience to progress toward perfection

and ultimately realize their divine destiny as heirs of

eternal life. The divine plan of happiness enables family

relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred

ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it

possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and

for families to be united eternally.


HE FIRST COMMANDMENT that God gave to Adam and Eve

pertained to their potential for parenthood as husband and

wife. We declare that God’s commandment for His children

to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force. We

further declare that God has commanded that the sacred

powers of procreation are to be employed only between

man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife.


E DECLARE the means by which mortal life is created to be

divinely appointed. We affirm the sanctity of life and of its

importance in God’s eternal plan.


USBAND AND WIFE have a solemn responsibility to love

and care for each other and for their children. “Children

are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). Parents have a

sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness,

to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to

teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments

of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever

they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—

will be held accountable before God for the discharge of

these obligations.


HE FAMILY is ordained of God. Marriage between man and

woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled

to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by

a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete

fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be

achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord

Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established

and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance,

forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and

wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers

are to preside over their families in love and righteousness

and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and

protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible

for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities,

fathers and mothers are obligated to help one

another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances

may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended

families should lend support when needed.


E WARN that individuals who violate covenants of

chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill

family responsibilities will one day stand accountable

before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration of

the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and

nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern



E CALL UPON responsible citizens and officers of government

everywhere to promote those measures designed

to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental

unit of society.


What is a friend?

I have always been an all or nothing kind of girl when it comes to my friendships. Maybe I have too high of expectations of what a friend is? But, I always end up feeling silly for offering my desire to hang out or whatever after the 10th invite and no results.
What made me think that friends should be there for you and have the desire to be there? What made me this way? Maybe its because as I child I was let down a lot? My brothers would call (they are all a lot older than I) and say they were going to come get me to go out....and I would wait by the window for hours and they would never come (this isnt the case anymore as we are now adults). I love my brothers, but I felt let down on many occasions.
Maybe this is why I give so much to those I think are friends....cause I don't want them to feel like I don't care???
Someone recently told me that I make friends with people that I am so much better than.... that I sell myself short. But, what is wrong with caring about someone and wanting to help them out? I know that someone will only change if they have the desire to change....but what is so wrong with offering my 2 cents?
I am sorry about this post... I am just coming to the realization that my family are the ones that will always be there.... not a friend. My family will always support and love me, and I am so grateful for that...that I have a good family that cares.
I just need to let go, be myself and keep my family close.

Life is good

Its been a while since I last blogged.
Since this is about my journey, I will tell you that life is good so I will tell you a little bit about whats been happening.
I just moved to Central Utah to work on myself, enjoy the mountains and outdoor activites before I move back up North. Its really tough for me being in a small town without a lot of freinds and not having a job where I can get my social time in.
I said that I was going to take this summer to build my confidence back up after all the drama that took place in St George, and I have become more content with myself.
I took up cooking and baking, which is something I have never enjoyed or done a lot of. Its so rewarding when I throw together a dinner from scratch or bake a sheet of cookies and they come out tasting wonderful and others agree.  I also started making jewelry with my natural stones for people I love and to sell once I have enough made. I also took time developing my art by drawing.
I didnt go to church here except for the first week I moved down and just last week, its not that I do not want to go... I just stay up to late working on the things I have talked about above and end up sleeping in. I will say that I notice a HUGE difference in my week when I do ro do not go to church and thats why I decided that I cannot miss out on it anymore. Our meetings at church are so uplifting and I know that when I attend I come away with a goal of wanting to be better the coming week, and not having those spiritual goals tends to make the week a little tough.
I think we are so blessed to be a part of this gospel. How amazing is it that we can go to church and by partaking of the sacrament we renew our baptizimal covenants and come away knowing all the things we have struggled with during the week are washed away once again.
I am so blessed to have this summer to work on myself and spend my time connecting with my family. My family means everything to me and the time I spent living n St George and being so far away has made me appreciate and love them so much more than I have before.... and this is why I am moving up North this summer instead of going back down to St George. It will be great to live back up there with two of my brothers and all of my extended family.
I want to share my expereince of how I knew I was going to serve a mission, so I will post about that in the near future.


Turning Back

No matter how long or how far you've traveled in the wrong direction
Which leads you to believe your distanced too far from Him above.
To be loved and accepted by Him seems unattainable,
Well... I'll tell you its never too late to turn back and feel of His redeeming love.

I've been down paths surrounded by darkness,
My heart and soul felt ice cold.
I thought turning around and seeing His face was wishful thinking,
And hearing that it wasn't seemed a statement too bold.

"They have never been where I have", I thought
"Or felt the devils breath on their skin".
They said He was there waiting with open arms,
And they talked with so much faith and conviction.

I put my faith in them and turned one day
And to my amazement I felt of His presence and love...
I knew each day would be a struggle and it certainly wouldn't be easy,
But I'd put one foot in front of the other with help from Him above.

I know that I will stumble and I may fall,
But the trick is to get right back up and keep looking ahead.
Without hesitation or fear, towards God and His Son I'll go,
Because "Doubt not, fear not", He said.



My Heavenly and Earthly Father

Today is Fathers Day and there are many Fathers that I am grateful for, I will talk about 2.

First, I am grateful for my Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for my knowledge of Him, and my relationship that I have with Him. I am grateful that no matter how far I distance myself from Him, He will always be waiting for me to turn back towards Him because His love for His children is unconditional. Its so important for us to remember that we are children of God, that we have a royal inheritance... it is ours if we desire it.
I am grateful that my Heavenly Father loved us enough that He sent His only Begotten Son here to earth to atone for each and every one of us. I always think of this talk I heard on my mission where someone quotes Melvin J. Ballard when he talked about how God did not fail us even when His son was on the Cross. Here is a part of this talk...

“I think I can see our dear Father behind the veil looking upon these dying struggles until even He could not endure it any longer; and, like the mother who bids farewell to her dying child and has to be taken out of the room so as not to look upon the last struggles, so He bowed His head and hid in some part of His universe, His great heart almost breaking for the love He had for His Son. Oh, in that moment when He might have saved His Son, I thank and praise Him that He did not fail us, for He had not only the love of His Son in mind, but He also had love for us.”

I just love this, it sings to my spirit. I thank my Heavenly Father for ALL He has done for me, and for all of us!

Second, I am grateful for my earthly Father. I have always looked up to my dad in so many ways. I grew up with 3 older brothers and you would think that my dad would just take his sons on all the things that the "boys" would do, but I remember he would always include me in everything he did. When all the other men would only take their sons camping or fishing, my dad took me anyways. My favorite memories include:
  • Getting up at 4 in the morning and going ice fishing with him and his friends from work or his brothers
  • Going hunting with him, and when I started hunting myself he always let me take the first shot even if he was hunting as well, and this still stands.
  • When I decided that I WAS going to get my Golden Retriever that I always dreamed of having and he said "Nope, we are not having a dog here." I said, "Well, I am going up to Idaho to get her." he then said "Well, I will drive you.". On the way back from picking up Lucy, after he had made it clear the dog would not sleep inside the house, he stopped and we got a carrier so she could sleep inside. Now, Lucy and my dad are as close as close can be...and I love that! I know that may be surprising, as I argue that Lucy is mine NOT his, but I would never take Lucy away from my Dad as I know they are the best of buds.
  • The first time I rode a roller coaster I was scared to death, but my dad put his arm across me the whole ride to make sure I didn't fall out as that was my fear.... I will never forget that.
  • When I had cancer a nurse came to our home to show my parents how to give the shots to me that I needed the times that I was actually not in the hospital, but at home. My mom didn't give that orange a very good shot, but my dad was awesome! Even when I was in the hospital I would not let the nurses give me these shots...only my dad could give them to me, as he was the best! He came every day when I was in the hospital, and I will always be grateful to him for this, and for the priesthood that he holds.... I know that if it wasn't for the blessings I received during that year and a half of chemo from my dad, that I would not be here. The priesthood is so amazing and powerful and I know that it can heal, and I am so grateful that it has been restored here upon the earth...and I am grateful that my dad is a faithful saint who has the blessings of the priesthood.
Those are just a few, there are many... in short, my dad is my hero. I may not show it, as I am as stubborn as he is... but I love and appreciate him so so much!


The Milestone

I hit a milestone just now, it has been 2 weeks since I have had a drink.

Alcohol is something I have struggled with off and on for a long time. I had my first drink when I was 22 and instantly knew I had a problem becuase I could not stop once I took that first drink. I was a social drinker though, it was not something I did on my own and definatly not something I did every night.

A few years after I got over that first hurdle I started drinking again and in large amounts, but not daily and was able to stop after I had hit rock bottom (Well, little did I know that rock bottom then was not nearly as deep as rock bottom now!).

This last time around I took my first drink in Mesquite with a friend on mine, and of course drank too much. It was a week and a half before I took my second drink and from that night on it was a nightly occurance. And I am not talking a mixed drink or one or two shots... but anywhere from 8-15 shots in one evening.

I stopped calling my parents everyday (I always call them daily) when I started drinking again and I got a text from my mom saying that I must be doing something I wasn't proud of, otherwise I would call... she was right.

The thing is, once I started drinking and I let go of all the things that keep me close God and I left room for someone to come in and take over my life. I remember the day that I realized I was in too deep and I wanted to go home, and thats when I realized that I no longer had the power to make my own choices, someone else was making them for me. In error, my way of coping was to keep on drinking to deal with the anxiety and panic attacks of not being able to go home to my own bed and get myself clear of the alchohol again.

I am so thankful for my friends who stepped in when I texted them telling them I needed help getting out of the situation I was in, if it werent for them I would not be here sharing my story.

Good thing is I know that God loves me, I know the atonement is for me as Christ has already paid the price of my sins and He can also wrap His arms around me and weep with me as I struggle thru all the pain brought by this person who took so much.

What a blessing it is to have this Knowledge of God and His Son!!!

"His arms are open and He WILL respond with warmth and love. He wont say a word to condemn us; we have plenty of those for ourselves. He will only offer His embrace."

"You must reach beyond a sense of the infinity of the Atonement to accept the portion thereof intended for you and you alone. You have the priviledge of His embrace. He is not on the cross. He is not in the tomb. He stands looking upon you asking, "Whom seekest thou?" He whispers YOUR name and waits for you to recognize Him. He wants you to feel His embrace. So yield to His entreaty. Give in to His love and, please, please say to the Savior, "Just Hold me, Tighter."
"Though it may seem that our own displacement from the right way has put us too far out to be reclaimed, it is not so. Not for anyone. If it is lost we feel, then we can listen to the voices calling for our return and move in their direction."

"The loving arms of the Savior are open wide to revieve us-- that when no one else seems to be around, when others do not appear to understand or even pay attention to our need for a hug, He is there. "if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after us...we can still be clasped in the arms of Jesus"."


Its okay to go alone

I came to a realization...

I would much rather go fishing alone then be in the company of someone who will bring me down (And I am not referring to my usual fishing companion as I have so much fun with him, just a general rule :).

This lesson has taken me long enough to learn, and I wish I hadn't had to go thru what I have in the recent past to realize this... but I am gratefulfor this knowledge.                                 

My whole life I have feared being alone, therefor I settle for the company of those I should not. I am not only talking romantically, but friends and mere acquantances as well. I think it comes down to am I confident in myself? Well... obviously not as much as I should be.

Confidence is what I hope to develop this summer. I know it may not be realistic to think that I can be completly confident and self-loving in 2-3 months time, but I plan on having my foundation strong.

(This was a few years ago)

I just have to take it one day at a time. And enjoy the time that I have, even if it means... going fishing alone.  Besides, I don't mind cleaning my own fish and baiting my own hook anyways.


Be not afraid of your enemies/The Lion's Den

Just thought I would share something I was pondering tonight....

D&C 98: 13-16

13. And whoso layeth down his life in my cause, for my name's sake, shall find it again, even life eternal.

14. Therefor, be not afraid of your enemies, for I have decreed in my heart, saith the Lord, that I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy.

15. For if ye will not abide in my covenant ye are not worthy of me.

16. Therefor, renounce war and proclaim peace, and seek diligently to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers, and the hearts of the fathers to the children.

"Be not afraid of your enemies....I will prove you in all things.... renounce war and proclaim peace."

As I was thinking about these verses I thought about Daniel in the Lions Den. Daniel says that "My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hurt me" for he was put into the Lions Den to be killed, but the Lord protected him. The Lord protected him just as D&C 98 promises!!! The Lord will prove you in all things if you abide by His covenant, just as Daniel did as he kept praying after the people were told not to pray unto God, this being the reason he was thrown into the Lion's den.

I cannot express the comfort I feel.  I still have a lot of praying to do, but I think I understand what the spirit was trying to tell me as I pondered this.


There, and back again!

I know that it has been a while since I have last posted here on my blog, and a lot has happened since my last post. As this blog is about my Journey and Overcoming obstacles and as I decided to start journaling tonight I thought "Why not just blog"... if it's going to help myself (which putting my feelings down will) and if it could possibly help someone else going thru a hard time...Why not?!?!

The past is the past.... specifics do not matter, what matters is that I am alive, I am well, and I have family and friends who love and support me. What matters is I know where my happiness lies, and I know its not going to be easy to get there... what would be easy is to curle up into the fetal position and feel sorry for myself, but I have done that before when hard times came and I refuse to do it this time around. I have never been thru something as hurtful as I have recently.... but I refuse to give up.

I think its amazing how the spirit guides us in our lives and those around us, even when we are not in the place we should be. Let me tell you something amazing that happened....

I was in a position where I could not help myself, I physically and emotionally could not get out of the situation I was in. The night before I got out I went and got a blessing from a dear friend, the desire was there...I knew I needed to make changes and I knew I needed strength to get out of what I was in, but I also knew it was not in my control at this point. The next morning in a state where I was not thinking clearly I sent my friend who is also my Relief Society President a text (and I do not remember sending it) that said something like "I need help. I cant get myself out of this". Not a half hour later she came for me, and even though she was told that I was fine and that I was asleep she refused to leave without me.

I am so blessed that I in the state I was in texted the right person, someone who was available, and someone who wouldnt back down. Not only did she get me out of the situation, but she stayed with me as I went thru some pretty hard withdrawls.... she even watched Michael Jackson movies for days with me!!! I must point out that she is not the only one who came to my aid, there were many who I barely knew before this that were there with me as I fought this fight, that I am still fighting. And there was not a single expression or word that indicated and judgements from any of these angels.

I came across this picture this week....

I just love this, I know the Lord has wept with me and He understands everything I am going thru in these moments. Its so comforting to know He is there, with His arms around me...He loves me. If He didn't, I would still be in the situation I was in... I know it was thru that blessing I recieved that I somehow sent that text, and then the Lord sent His trusted angels to my aid... I have so much gratitude to my Father in Heaven and His angels!!!

Before any of this happened my testimony was the strongest it had been in a LONG time... I felt so ontop of things, even my addictions. And that is something that I would like to point out. I firmly now beleive that if you have addictions that you CAN get to a point in your life where they don't have a daily control over you... but you cannot play with fire! It doesn't matter who you are, you just can't! I remember not too long before this happened having a conversation with my mom where I was telling her about maybe going to Mesquite with some freinds and she said "Can you handle that?" and I said "Of course! It's not even a temptation"... well, she has recently said that she thinks Satan heard that conversation and had to throw another obstacle in my way....I think she is right.

It is necessary to read your scriptures daily, to pray and talk openly with your Father in Heaven daily, to attend your church meetings and surround yourself with people who will lift you. This doesn't mean that I cannot be freinds with people who do the things I am addicted to....I just cannot put myself into situations where I would be tempted. I have come to accept that this will be the case for the rest of my life. I may get to higher ground...but I have to stay there.

So, how am I going to move forward? Well.... I am going to take my time and find myself. For a long time I have leaned on those around me and I have never been good at saying "NO" and standing up for myself. So, this summer is my time to find out who I want to be, what I want to do, and find what is most important to me. I started a Bucket List this past week and I plan on working on a lot of those things now. I want to learn to cook and play the piano and guitar, alter my own clothing and break out my dusty sewing machine!!! Become a better artist and photographer, a better aunt, daughter, sister and friend.

In short, I want to better myself, learn to love myself the way I should, gain that self-confidence back that has been lacking a long time.

In closing...I want to share the lyrics to "Stand in Holy Places"... kept thinking about this song as I was typing this out.

In a sea shifting values
Tossed on every wave
While the winds wail around me
I will not be afraid
To call out for my captain
To calm the waves in me
When I stand a little taller
Its only then I finally see

I stand in holy places
Protected from the storm
Anchored safe in harbor
Tough my sails are ripped and worn
I stand in holy places
And I will not move
Until the Lord has come
And says Well done
He is the hope I hold on to
In holy places

There is a harbor in His holy house
An anchor in His grace
That steadies in the waves of doubt
And in every holy places
No matter where I travel
His spirits guiding me
With the Lord as my captain
There is a peaceful port in me

I stand in holy places
Protected from the storm
Anchored safe in harbor
Tough my sails are ripped and worn
I stand in holy places
And I will not move
Until the Lord has come
And says Well done
He is the hope I hold on to
In holy places


A little bit of MJ, including the "Planet Earth" poem

Just a little MJ Love....

Hold my Hand

Earth Song

Stranger in Moscow

Planet Earth Poem

Planet Earth, my home, my place
A capricious anomaly in the sea of space
Planet Earth, are you just
Floating by, a cloud of dust
A minor globe, about to bust
A piece of metal bound to rust
A speck of matter in a mindless void
A lonely spaceship, a large asteroid

Cold as a rock without a hue
Held together with a bit of glue
Something tells me this isn't true
You are my sweetheart, soft and blue
Do you care, have you a part
In the deepest emotions of my own heart
Tender with breezes, caressing and whole
Alive with music, haunting my soul.

In my veins I've felt the mystery
Of corridors of time, books of history
Life songs of ages throbbing in my blood
Have danced the rhythm of the tide and flood
Your misty clouds, your electric storm

Were turbulent tempests in my own form
I've licked the salt, the bitter, the sweet
[. From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/m/michael-jackson-lyrics/planet-earth-lyrics.html .]
Of every encounter, of passion, of heat
Your riotous color, your fragrance, your taste
Have thrilled my senses beyond all haste

In your beauty I've known the how
Of timeless bliss, this moment of now.

Planet Earth, are you just
Floating by, a cloud of dust
A minor globe, about to bust
A piece of metal bound to rust
A speck of matter in a mindless void
A lonely spaceship, a large asteroid

Cold as a rock without a hue
Held together with a bit of glue
Something tells me this isn't true
You are my sweetheart, gentle and blue
Do you care, have you a part
In the deepest emotions of my own heart
Tender with breezes, caressing and whole
Alive with music, haunting my soul.

Planet Earth, gentle and blue
With all my heart, I love you."


Church Talk; Metaphor of the Lodgepole Pine's seed

Alright....here is my talk from church today....

"There could not be a better topic to speak on other than what I was asked to speak on today… The Atonement.

I would like to share some things about myself so you can understand how much of an impact that understanding and accepting the atonement has made in my life…. I could stand up here and speak of how the Atonement came about, about the garden of gethsemane…about our brother Jesus Christ and His sacrifice, but today I would like to share how that atonement can be applied by sharing my story.

My first trial in life was when I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 12. Before this event I was relying on my parent’s testimony. But when the doctors were unsure if I had cancer I decided I would ask my Father in Heaven whether or not I had cancer, for myself. This experience is very sacred to me, and I do not share it often, but I will say that my Father in Heaven heard my prayer and in this moment of direct communication with someone I could not see I developed my own testimony that someone actually was there listening to my prayers…. and also had the power to answer them.

Throughout the next year and a half of Chemotherapy I developed my own testimony in many other areas of the gospel including that the power of the priesthood was undoubtedly restored, as I had experienced the healing powers that the priesthood did bring to a failing body that was so close to a physical death on more than one occasion.

Later in life I decided to serve a mission, this was not something that I had planned for myself. But after receiving my own endowment at the age of 19 and attending the temple regularly I received another answer to a prayer within the temple walls. This time I knew that a mission was what needed to happen next. I left to San B 2 days after I turned 21 and I enjoyed every moment I was in the mission field.

While out in the field I became very ill and the doctors there did not know what was wrong. My mission president spent some time in prayer and one morning called me and informed me he received an answer to his prayer…I needed to go home and he already bought my plane ticket home for 2 weeks later.

I was devastated…but I put my trust in my mission president’s prayer.

This is where my journey takes a turn. Satan knew I was vulnerable and he took advantage of the situation. You see, I did have a testimony and it was strong…but it was not strong enough at this moment for what came knocking on my door.  It wasn’t but a moment after I returned home from my mission that I was faced with a situation that changed the way I saw myself and I instantly I felt I had no worth.

Again, details do not matter…but I entered a very difficult and dark time of my life where I did some things that I am ashamed of. I spent many years traveling this road before I sought out the atonement… I know if I had not made the choice to come back to the only place I knew I had ever found happiness, I would not be here… as I had hit rock bottom and had 2 choices….I chose Christ after He made it clear my journey was not over yet!

Elder Holland in this last general conference said…

"However late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made, or talents you think you don't have, or distance from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love."

I know that what Elder Holland said is true. It is never too late to come unto Christ. Just as he said, NO matter how far we have traveled in the wrong direction Christ will still be waiting with open arms.  Through the blessings of the atonement, we can all reach the full measure of our creation if we will but seek out the blessings.

I was talking to my mom about this subject and she recalled a time when one of my uncles told her that he was sure that God no longer cared about him. That he had strayed so far, that God would never take him back… and it broke her heart.  Through experiences in her life she had come to know that God does care, no matter where we are, and will open His arms to use if we will but look to Him.

Before I was born, my mom lost a 6 year old son. I never got to meet my brother, Cameron because he was electrocuted in the bathtub.  She said that at the time this happened she was about as far away from the church as a person could be. She hadn’t robbed any banks, killed anyone or anything of that nature but, she had not been active for 10 years and the church just didn’t fit into her life. 

She said it was like she was a dormant seed, rotting on the ground because she was not in fertile soil and received no moisture . . . it would appear to the world that her faith was dead when in fact, within her, like the seed of the lodge pole pine, there was a great potential.

Did you know that the seeds of a lodge pole pine cannot germinate the way a normal seed does? A seed from most plants will grow when it is placed in dirt and gets water.  But, the lodge pole pine cannot grow until some very specific circumstances happen. 

In 1988 Yellowstone Park was devastated by a wild-fire. The US Park Service had a policy to allow any lightening caused fire to burn naturally so that old and diseased trees were controlled naturally. Then, in 1988, after several years of drought, a number of lightening caused fires swept through Yellowstone. The public was outraged that the park service allowed the fire to burn and in fact, it eventually burned over 2 million acres.  The public thought Yellowstone would never recover from such a devastating fire when in fact, the fire was a necessity in a number of ways.  The burned out trees became havens for woodpeckers and other species to live in the hollowed out stumps. The ash fertilized the ground and in the greatest miracle of all, the seeds of the grand lodge pole pine burst in the heat of the flames and a new generation of healthy lodge pole pines took root.  

Just as God’s plan for His forest allowed for circumstances that would germinate a seed that had laid dormant for years, perhaps decades or even centuries, God has a plan for us. If he cares about a species of tree, can you really believe he does not care about you?

The Plan of Salvation has a provision for those of God’s children who like the seeds of the lodge pole pine, are dormant, have fallen in unfertile soil or need spiritual nutrition. It is the Atonement. And, like my mom likes to say, where do people think the Holy Ghost goes when people say “they LOOSE the spirit?” The Holy Ghost does not go to Bolivia or Saturn or anywhere else, He stays close and waits for you to recognize your need for your Father’s love and he gently guides you into the loving arms of your Father because of the greatest gift of all….the atonement. He doesn’t turn his back on us, we stop listening. And when my mom needed the Comforter to be with her when my brother died, his love was immediate and without reservation for where she was or where she had been. With patience and love, the Holy Ghost led her to places, people and experiences that changed her heart. It wasn’t immediate but, the Spirit was there when she needed it.

When I decided to return to the gospel I knew it would be a struggle. I knew that Satan knew he was losing me and would try every way possible to keep me on his side. I fought addiction and sin… and I will say I fought the desires of sin for a long period of time. It wasn’t until very recently when studying the Atonement that I realized I could overcome the desire to sin…It didn’t have to be a daily struggle.

Christ when in the garden, when He was taking upon Himself the sins of the world…He overcame sin… therefor we can also overcome sin…

Mosiah 5:2 says concerning this that…

“We have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually”. 

I testify to you that this can happen if you accept the Atonement into your life. You don’t have to fight sin off every day…thru Christ you can overcome the desires you wish to overcome…He can and will change the desires of your hearts if you seek Him. I am a witness that this is true. I always thought that the quote “Once and addict, always an addict” was true. But, it is not. YOU can overcome the desire to sin. 

Elder Bednar says “Our spiritual purpose is to overcome both sin and the desire to sin”.

Elder Bednar goes on to say…

“It is the Atonement of Jesus Christ that provides both a cleansing and redeeming power that helps us to overcome sin and a sanctifying and strengthening power that helps us to become better than we ever could by relying only upon our own strength. The infinite Atonement is for both the sinner and for the saint in each of us.”

Another concept that has helped me accept the atonement more fully into my life is that Christ does not expect perfection, He only wants asks to continually progress as 2 Nephi 28:30 states….“line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little” .

Going back to elder Hollands talk from this past general conference….I loved the parable that he shared about the laborers in the vineyard and how some were chosen to work from the beginning of the day and some were only chosen to work the final hour and when it came time to get their pay they all received the same amount…..think about this. Those who worked all day received the same pay as those who only labored the final hour.

I cannot tell you how much this parable meant to me just this short time ago. Even after coming back to church and accepting the atonement into my life in more ways than I ever thought were possible, I still felt that I was being held accountable for my past. But as this parable teaches…He blesses all those who come unto Him the same, no matter how long they have labored… for I felt that because of the years I spent away I had missed out on blessings I desired. 

Elder Maxwell said “The Past must not hold the Future Hostage”…and that is what I thought would happen in my life, until I heard and accepted into my heart that the Savior will not bless me any less because of my past. So I want you to ask yourself… are you holding your future hostage because of your past? If you are…the healing powers of the Atonement are there for you as much as they are there for the person sitting next to you. Don’t let Satan trick you into thinking you will not receive all the blessings you desire because of something you have done….this is what the atonement is for. And there is nothing better in this life than being At One with Christ, of this I testify."


Parable; Labourers in the Vineyard

As I watched conference this past weekend, there was a talk that stood out to me more than the others. It never fails that when General Conference comes around... that if you listen to the words of our living prophets you will receive an answer to your prayer, or maybe an answer to a question you didn't even realize you had been asking within your own heart.

The talk was by Elder Holland. He talked about the Savior's parable of the labourers that is found in Matthew 20:1-15.

Basically the parable talks about labourers who come for work during the harvesting season. It talks of those that are chosen for work in the beginning, how some are chosen throughout the day... and how even in the final hour more labourers are given the opportunity for work.

When the labourers came to get their pay at the end of the day they were all paid the same amount of money, which could seem unfair as some had laboured many hours while others only laboured for the final hour of the day.

Elder Holland spoke how the labourers who had laboured all day might have felt an injustice had occured but pointed out,

"It is important to note that no one has been treated unfairly here. The first workers agreed to the full wage of the day and received it."

He also pointed out how the ones who were chosen to labour in the morning did not have to worry all day about finding work...they knew they were going to get paid from the moment they started, so he asked us to think about the labourers who were not chosen until the last hour...they had to have been worried that whole day through, wondering how they were going to feed their families when there
was no work for them to do.

Elder Holland goes on to say,

"Brothers and sisters, there are going to be times in our lives when someone else gets an unexpected blessings or receives some special recognition...May I plead with you not to be hurt, and certainly not to feel envious when good fortune comes to another. We are not diminished when someone else is added upon. We are not in a race against each other to see who is the wealthiest or the most talented or the most beautiful or even the most blessed.
"The race we are really in is the race against sin, and surely envy is one of the most universal of those."

The next thing that he went into that meant the most to me was how it doesnt matter how late we think we are, or how late it is into the final hours that we come unto Christ. The parable teaches that no blessing will be held from those who are late! The blessings are the same for those who have laboured their whole life thru as to those who may not come until the finaly hours unto Christ.
In other words...its never too late!!! It is never too late to accept Christ into your heart and become a labourer in the Lords Vinyard. And when you become that labourer, no blessing will be denied to you because you had not laboured as many hours as you hoped or thought you should.

In Elder Hollands words,

"However late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made, or talents you think you don't have, or distance from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love."

This talk just meant so much to me. I have accepted the atonement into my heart in more ways than I ever thought were possible within the past 3-4 months and I realize that I previously never understood the full meaning and healing powers of atonement, But, I still after all this healing of the past few months still felt that if I had just made different choices over the past 6 years would have everything I desire,  my own family for one.

But, I have realized thru the spirit speaking to me thru this past General Conference that I am not going to be denied blessings because of my past choices...it does not work that way. I am worthy of all the blessings my Lord and Savior see's fit at this time and He will bless me according to my faithfulness NOT MY PAST.

I dont know if you can understand what this means to me...but it means everything. My perspective of myself just shifted... I love who I am and I realize I am a strong person and I now FULLY embrace everything I have learned throughout my life that has made me the amazing daughter of God that I am today.



So I went to my amazing Atonement class tonight, and not only was it amazing, it was really amazing because everything I have been pondering the past week was addressed! I love when that happens!!!
And of course I have waited till way to late to type this out :(  and I am exhausted.
Its really good though!
So make sure to come back when I update this post!


Victim or Survivor?

I was having a conversation last night with a friend I have lost touch with and we were talking about the power we have to create our own life. This friend was struggling and I shared some things I have learned of the past year, and have just started to put into action the past 4-5 months. Thought I would share with you....
What did I realize? I realized over the coarse of the past year that I can either choose to be a victim, or I can choose to be a survivor. I thought, do I want to be the person always needing someone to pick me up when I am down...or do I want to be the support for those around me? Do I want to feel helpless and hopless...or do I want to feel helpful and hopeful?
Do you see the difference between the two, between the victim and the survivor? The victim is looking inward and the survivor is looking outward. I know that once I realized the vast difference between the person I was and the person I wanted to be and how simple, not easy...but simple, the changes were...I knew I could change my ways.
Does this mean I never get sad, or that I never get stuck reflecting inward? No. I just now realize in those moments that I need to drop it and move on. Does this also mean that I am always in the service of my brothers and sisters? No.
I am far from perfect....but this is the person I want to be. I want to turn my life outward, I want my life and all I have been thru to benifit as many people as it can...and that means opening my mouth and taking some risks. People may not like what I have to say, and thats okay. I know why I am here on this earth...and I now know how simple it is to be that person. All It takes is choosing to move on when I am focused on me and feeling down...thats it! Simple right?

I came across a poem tonight in a book I pick up from time to time, and it is fitting.

"Accept your power to make choices. Life is fluid with possibilities.
Each of us has incredible power to shape our life and reshape our
world. you can choose to have as magnificent a life as you want.
Or you can choose to suffer magnificently. You alone choose how
 you react to what happens in life. And a lot happens, doesn't it? Just
when life seems on track, we get slipped a pink slip. We answer
the phone and get a medical diagnosis that fills us with terror. We
see a loved one walk out the door, looking for love in all the wrong
 places. But remember your power. Honor your great ability to
turn despair into hope. We can choose to transform the darkest of
circumstances into the brightest of opportunities. We can choose
to ask for help. We alone are responsible for the abundance of our
day, for the depth of our suffering. Easier said than done? Absolutely.
It requires gut-wrenching courage to accept responsibility for our
own life, emotions, self-image, and well-being. But we never do it
alone. We are always fortified with more support, light, and love than
we could ever imagine."

 ~Susan Skog


Vision Board (Inspiration Board)

So, its been a while...sorry. I have been really busy re-arranging some important details of my life to make it work better for me, myself and I.

I know that sounds a little selfish maybe? But I am single, and I moved to St. George to take control of my life, to be independent, and that control started to get lost in some drama. So, I spent some time in prayer and decided I was worth it. I was worth making changes that were best for me,  I also realized these changes would affect others...but I had to look out for KayLeigh's best interest, and only hers... and that was really hard for me. And I have to say in the end things worked out best for everybody, we are all a lot happier.

Thank goodness for a God who answers our prayers! Cause I am not one to put myself first, and if I had ended up putting someone out by putting me first It would have really bothered me.

Well, I guess I should update you a little on what has been going on!

First... I got a promotion at work!!! Yay! I am super excited, I know that I deserve it and am qualified for the work... but I think it was a shock to those who don't know me well at work, but that is where the surprise comes from right? They don't know me... they don't know where I come from, what jobs I have had, what I have been through in my life...and that's okay :) I know me, and for the first time in a long time, I truly love who I am... and people around you notice your confidence.

Second... I finally moved! Yay! Another thing I am super excited about! I moved back across town, and I am a lot closer to my work, and best of all I have 2 great roommates! They are both around my age and single ladies like myself... so I look forward to at least the next 6 months sharing a home with them, if not longer ;) Hahahaha!!!!

My first weekend in my new apartment I decided to make a dream board...it ended up being more of an inspirational board though...I didn't put up a picture of the car I want (Toyota FJ Cruiser), or my dream home (?)...I just put up words that I think describe me, and words that I would like to describe me. I alsoput up goals for my health and wellness and words of encouragment to help me reach those goals. I put this up where I can see it before I go to bed and where I can see it when I wake up in the morning, so it will inspire me to strive to become and to be all that I already am.

I really like this concept of the Vision/Inspirational Board...and I think that no matter what stage you are at in life, you should do this. It doesn't have to be a board...find even 5 meaningful words that you can post on your mirror so you see them when you are getting ready in the mornings... just 5 words or phrases where you will see them...see if it makes a difference. I dare you!

I am reading this book right now that is titled "Attitude is Everything", and last night the section I was reading was talking about the chemical reaction that happens in our bodies when we laugh or smile. And it said to think about when you get embarrassed...your face goes red, you get hot...that's a chemical reaction!!! So, the same thing happens when you laugh or smile! Endorphins are released into the blood stream! So, when you here someone suggest that you practice smiling for 5 minutes a day, its not so you can learn to paint a fake smile on your face! Its because when you are sitting there smiling for that 5 minutes your body is releasing endorphins into your blood stream which will affect your mood! Which in time, will help you become a happier person!

I believe it, do you?

Try it! Practice smiling for 5 minutes a day infront of the mirror. I know am putting this to the test myself, you should also! Lets compare notes in 2 weeks.

Quickly, I just want to share two GREAT things I highlighted in my book...
      "Your attitude dictates whether you  are living life or life is living you. Attitude determines whether you are on the way or in the way."
      "Remember that you setbacks can be setups for even greater opportunities. Tap into the power of a positive attitude and stay in the game..."

Here are some close-ups of my boards to give you a idea...when I bought the boards at Lowe's (the 4pack was 5$) I went to Walmart and bought 3 Health magazines and I found 98% of the items on my boards from those 3 magazines :)  And below the images I will post a "how-to" I found that I really enjoyed!

"Your Loved", "Important", "Your home, Your World", "Conquer", "Body and Soul in Balance"

"Inspired", "Feels good, does good", "beauty begins from Within", "Make the smart choice"

"Drop Pounds", "Oh, Yes I can!" "Take the Pledge. Do it for yourself, Do it for someone you love.",
"Your swimsuit is ready, You'll be too."

"A haven of Hope", "Be a good Listener", "Be uncommonly Good...",
"The point of power is always in the present moment."

"Vision boards help you define and get clear about what you desire for yourself. They help you make your dreams or goals more tangible and solid. You form an energetic bond with what you really, really desire. Vision boards can act as guiding lights or north stars – helping you realize and commit to your Vision. They are fun and creative to do, however they are also very powerful magnetization and manifestation tools. Acting as little energy vortexs if you will – that tell your sub-conscious mind what to go out and bring to you. Like an order form to the universe (or whatever you want to call it).
How do you create a Vision Board? It very simple and fun. Collect together a pile of magazines, a pair of scissors, a glue stick (or tape), and some markers. You’ll also need some sort of sturdy backing (like a poster board, large sheet of paper … even a few paper bags cut open and taped together will work).
Give yourself about 30-45 minutes, in a quiet, enjoyable space. With all your materials around you – set the intention that you are going to create a vision for yourself using all of these materials. That you will flip quickly thru these magazines and find images and words that really jump out at you. That you have an emotional connection with. You may or may not want to create a time line for your vision (meaning: you may want to state the timeframe that you want to reach this vision by: i.e. 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, 5-10 years … whatever feels right for you. or, if no timeline feels right, just call it your ASAP Vision).
After setting this intention, you dive into your magazines. Using your intuitive (not your rational mind) to find images that resonate with you. Just rip out whatever jumps out at you, piling them off to the side. Do for about 15 minutes or so, or whenever the energy kind of slows down. Once you’ve got a nice stack of images … turn next to assembling them onto your poster board (or whatever backing you are using). There is no wrong or right way to create one. Just do what feels right for you. You might want to arrange your images and play around with them a bit … then finally tape or glue them down. "