First, I am grateful for my Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for my knowledge of Him, and my relationship that I have with Him. I am grateful that no matter how far I distance myself from Him, He will always be waiting for me to turn back towards Him because His love for His children is unconditional. Its so important for us to remember that we are children of God, that we have a royal inheritance... it is ours if we desire it.
I am grateful that my Heavenly Father loved us enough that He sent His only Begotten Son here to earth to atone for each and every one of us. I always think of this talk I heard on my mission where someone quotes Melvin J. Ballard when he talked about how God did not fail us even when His son was on the Cross. Here is a part of this talk...

I just love this, it sings to my spirit. I thank my Heavenly Father for ALL He has done for me, and for all of us!
Second, I am grateful for my earthly Father. I have always looked up to my dad in so many ways. I grew up with 3 older brothers and you would think that my dad would just take his sons on all the things that the "boys" would do, but I remember he would always include me in everything he did. When all the other men would only take their sons camping or fishing, my dad took me anyways. My favorite memories include:
- Getting up at 4 in the morning and going ice fishing with him and his friends from work or his brothers
- Going hunting with him, and when I started hunting myself he always let me take the first shot even if he was hunting as well, and this still stands.
- When I decided that I WAS going to get my Golden Retriever that I always dreamed of having and he said "Nope, we are not having a dog here." I said, "Well, I am going up to Idaho to get her." he then said "Well, I will drive you.". On the way back from picking up Lucy, after he had made it clear the dog would not sleep inside the house, he stopped and we got a carrier so she could sleep inside. Now, Lucy and my dad are as close as close can be...and I love that! I know that may be surprising, as I argue that Lucy is mine NOT his, but I would never take Lucy away from my Dad as I know they are the best of buds.
- The first time I rode a roller coaster I was scared to death, but my dad put his arm across me the whole ride to make sure I didn't fall out as that was my fear.... I will never forget that.
- When I had cancer a nurse came to our home to show my parents how to give the shots to me that I needed the times that I was actually not in the hospital, but at home. My mom didn't give that orange a very good shot, but my dad was awesome! Even when I was in the hospital I would not let the nurses give me these shots...only my dad could give them to me, as he was the best! He came every day when I was in the hospital, and I will always be grateful to him for this, and for the priesthood that he holds.... I know that if it wasn't for the blessings I received during that year and a half of chemo from my dad, that I would not be here. The priesthood is so amazing and powerful and I know that it can heal, and I am so grateful that it has been restored here upon the earth...and I am grateful that my dad is a faithful saint who has the blessings of the priesthood.
Perfect K. I can't stop crying... YOU are the luckiest girl in the world. Your Dad & Mom are amazing!! They love you more then you could ever imagine. Blessings and love to you all.