
Divine Inheritance

I have been thinking about a talk I heard while on my mission...I would like to share it.

"When we recognize and accept the fact that we are of royal heritage, that we are the literal off-spring of God and that each of us has a divine inheritance of worth, our every moment of existence becomes more rewarding, more enriched and more cherished...It is my belief that we were informed voters at the Counsel in Heaven. When we chose to follow our Savior we knew what we were getting into. We knew of life with all its ups and downs, sickness and health, pain and joy, birth and death. We were also able to keep things in proper perspective, knowing these things are small challenges to endure in comparison to the prize in the end. Eternal Life back with our Heavenly Father. I can imagine that we jumped at the chance to begin the process, eager to complete the labors in order to enjoy the fruits. Our self-worth is God given, undeniable and never changing. Our self-esteem wanes and ebbs and is subject to the bruising and battering of life's hard-knocks. We are gloriously resilient and Heavenly Endowed to withstand and overcome. Once this vision becomes a belief, our lives change. Subtly at first, as with any child who learns, it gains momentum as new talents are recognized, it grows into a strength as new challenges are overcome, it ex-pans our very soul as life's pains are endured. In this state of transfiguration we become humbled as we recognize Gods hand in our lives."
By: Bro. Felton

This has always meant so much to me, and it mean a lot to me now. I am a true daughter of God, and He loves me. I know His Gospel is the source of happiness here upon the earth.

Thanks to all my friends out there :)


  1. KayLeigh, every memory I have of you carries optimism, joy, and laughter. You were always a good friend. Thank you now again for sharing your light and inspiration.

  2. Ah...thank you. I do not know who you are though :)
