Tonight at an Institute class that I attended we discussed what At-One-Ment is. During this class I realized just how much I hide myself from those around me because of my trust issues. I started to wonder how I will ever be Christlike if I don't allow people into my life. Of course I have friends and relationships...but I am so afraid of others intentions that I have not let anyone see the true me in a very long time.
Those who knew me before I was abused know my character...and I want to be that person again. I know I will never be the same as I was because I have been through things these past 6 years that have changed me... but I don't want those experiences to cause me to never have a real relationship with those around me.
In the class the instructor talked about the "storms" in life, and how those storms are moulding us to become Gods ourselves, and I felt such a peace as this was discussed.
I will open myself up as I journey through life...during the calm and stormy weathers ahead, and I choose not to spend the rest of my life alone. I do want to be At-One with my brothers and sisters and with my Savior.
Here's to more changes starting today!
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