First thing that I wanted to share was the Repentance Process.
Now I know that we follow these steps for repentance
But what was covered in my class tonight is something I know to be true from experience...and something I learned recently as well.
-THESE STEPS ARE NOT ENOUGH- we need to add "Replacing" to this list...these steps are important, don't get me wrong...but what is most important is the AtOneMent, accepting this gives us that "Change of Heart" (Alma 5:7 = Behold, he changed their hearts; yea, he awakened them out of a deep sleep, and they awoke unto God. Behold, they were in the midst of darkness; nevertheless, their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word) that Alma speaks of.
I have experienced this change of heart recently, but before this change of heart I remember after being away from the church for a few years I knew I needed to start my repentance process...but I remember telling myself that I needed to Forsake my sins before I went to church and spoke with the bishop. I cant assure you that you cannot forsake your sins without replacing those sins with something good. I tried that, for a long time...I stopped using tobacco products, stopped being immoral and other actions I was taught were wrong...And although I was successful for a period long time, refraining myself from the things I knew were wrong... I was not practicing the things I knew were right.
I wanted to have the past behind me before I went to the bishop...not recognizing that he could help me with the process...I didn't feel worthy of his help.

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
This does not say "Come unto me all ye that WERE heavy Laden, and THEN I will give you rest." No! He is saying "Come to me and I will lift your burden and give you rest"...He doesn't say he will only lift this burden when it is light...He wants to help us along our path, He wants to carry our heavy load ...He knows we cannot do it without His help.
Going back to my experience of trying to forsake my sins before I asked for help...another thing that made this attempt not successful was I did not replace my sins with something good. You cannot leave this empty space within yourself and expect yourself to be strong enough to walk around with this empty space. We have to make a order to succeed we need to fill those voids with what will help us remain faithful. For instance, If you are an alcoholic, like I will always be, and you stop drinking...what are your plans for this weekend? You going to sit home and stare at the TV an hope you don't have a drink? Or will you pick up your scriptures, enroll in a 12-step program and surround yourself with people who life and encourage you?
I recently decided to fill this gap. About 2 months ago I realized I was in trouble...I was idle, had nothing to fill my time with. Granted, I had stopped drinking and such a long time before this, but I was bored and saw that I needed to keep myself busy with good things in order to keep going. I didn't listen to my warning...and I ended up drinking for a few weeks. But now, I recognize why I started drinking again, and I did something about it. I am staying busy now...are the temptations still there? Yes, I am an alcoholic! But, I am making an effort and surrounding myself with things of light instead of sitting in the dark praying nothing will come my way to tempt me again.
Mosiah 24:13-14 says
13 And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.
14 And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.
This is another great scripture, that says the same thing to me at Matthew 11:28...He is telling us that He wants to come to us IN our afflicitons...not just after, but during.
I am so thankful for what I have learned in my life...I am thankful for my struggles and my joy. For if I have not known pain, I would not know Joy.
I want to tell you that you are worthy of our Savior...He accepts you even when you dont accept yourself. He will never turn His back on you, only you will turn your back on Him...I know this. He never leaves us, He is ready and willing to assist us and wants to ease our burdens...we just have to ask Him. And the amazing thing is that after we repent our sins are remembered no more! They are not filled away until they can be rubbed in our faces when we slip up again...He remembers them no more... We may remember them...that is okay...the point for us it to learn in remembrance...just don't dwell in remembrance.
In closing, I would love for you to think about the women taken in adultrey. She is brought before the Savior and the people ask "This woman was found in adultry, what say Thee?" and the Savior Replied "Those of you who have not sinned be the first to cast a stone."
As the others leave the Savior and this Woman alone (for they were sinners as well) the Savior says to the Women "Where are Thine Accusers?"
"No, no one Sir" she responed after seeing the room is now empty. The Savior then says "Then neither do I condemn Thee, Go and leave your life in sin" "Go thy way and Sin no more". Now...this was just from memory...don't quote me on that...but I love this story because the Savior did not make her feel bad about her sins by asking her questions He knew the answer to...ALL HE SAID, and I am sure He said it with so much move and with a heartfelt embrace that I talked about in a previous post, "Go thy way and sin no more".
"Go thy way and sin no more"
In closing, I would love for you to think about the women taken in adultrey. She is brought before the Savior and the people ask "This woman was found in adultry, what say Thee?" and the Savior Replied "Those of you who have not sinned be the first to cast a stone."
As the others leave the Savior and this Woman alone (for they were sinners as well) the Savior says to the Women "Where are Thine Accusers?"
"No, no one Sir" she responed after seeing the room is now empty. The Savior then says "Then neither do I condemn Thee, Go and leave your life in sin" "Go thy way and Sin no more". Now...this was just from memory...don't quote me on that...but I love this story because the Savior did not make her feel bad about her sins by asking her questions He knew the answer to...ALL HE SAID, and I am sure He said it with so much move and with a heartfelt embrace that I talked about in a previous post, "Go thy way and sin no more".
"Go thy way and sin no more"
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