
Vision Board (Inspiration Board)

So, its been a while...sorry. I have been really busy re-arranging some important details of my life to make it work better for me, myself and I.

I know that sounds a little selfish maybe? But I am single, and I moved to St. George to take control of my life, to be independent, and that control started to get lost in some drama. So, I spent some time in prayer and decided I was worth it. I was worth making changes that were best for me,  I also realized these changes would affect others...but I had to look out for KayLeigh's best interest, and only hers... and that was really hard for me. And I have to say in the end things worked out best for everybody, we are all a lot happier.

Thank goodness for a God who answers our prayers! Cause I am not one to put myself first, and if I had ended up putting someone out by putting me first It would have really bothered me.

Well, I guess I should update you a little on what has been going on!

First... I got a promotion at work!!! Yay! I am super excited, I know that I deserve it and am qualified for the work... but I think it was a shock to those who don't know me well at work, but that is where the surprise comes from right? They don't know me... they don't know where I come from, what jobs I have had, what I have been through in my life...and that's okay :) I know me, and for the first time in a long time, I truly love who I am... and people around you notice your confidence.

Second... I finally moved! Yay! Another thing I am super excited about! I moved back across town, and I am a lot closer to my work, and best of all I have 2 great roommates! They are both around my age and single ladies like myself... so I look forward to at least the next 6 months sharing a home with them, if not longer ;) Hahahaha!!!!

My first weekend in my new apartment I decided to make a dream board...it ended up being more of an inspirational board though...I didn't put up a picture of the car I want (Toyota FJ Cruiser), or my dream home (?)...I just put up words that I think describe me, and words that I would like to describe me. I alsoput up goals for my health and wellness and words of encouragment to help me reach those goals. I put this up where I can see it before I go to bed and where I can see it when I wake up in the morning, so it will inspire me to strive to become and to be all that I already am.

I really like this concept of the Vision/Inspirational Board...and I think that no matter what stage you are at in life, you should do this. It doesn't have to be a board...find even 5 meaningful words that you can post on your mirror so you see them when you are getting ready in the mornings... just 5 words or phrases where you will see them...see if it makes a difference. I dare you!

I am reading this book right now that is titled "Attitude is Everything", and last night the section I was reading was talking about the chemical reaction that happens in our bodies when we laugh or smile. And it said to think about when you get embarrassed...your face goes red, you get hot...that's a chemical reaction!!! So, the same thing happens when you laugh or smile! Endorphins are released into the blood stream! So, when you here someone suggest that you practice smiling for 5 minutes a day, its not so you can learn to paint a fake smile on your face! Its because when you are sitting there smiling for that 5 minutes your body is releasing endorphins into your blood stream which will affect your mood! Which in time, will help you become a happier person!

I believe it, do you?

Try it! Practice smiling for 5 minutes a day infront of the mirror. I know am putting this to the test myself, you should also! Lets compare notes in 2 weeks.

Quickly, I just want to share two GREAT things I highlighted in my book...
      "Your attitude dictates whether you  are living life or life is living you. Attitude determines whether you are on the way or in the way."
      "Remember that you setbacks can be setups for even greater opportunities. Tap into the power of a positive attitude and stay in the game..."

Here are some close-ups of my boards to give you a idea...when I bought the boards at Lowe's (the 4pack was 5$) I went to Walmart and bought 3 Health magazines and I found 98% of the items on my boards from those 3 magazines :)  And below the images I will post a "how-to" I found that I really enjoyed!

"Your Loved", "Important", "Your home, Your World", "Conquer", "Body and Soul in Balance"

"Inspired", "Feels good, does good", "beauty begins from Within", "Make the smart choice"

"Drop Pounds", "Oh, Yes I can!" "Take the Pledge. Do it for yourself, Do it for someone you love.",
"Your swimsuit is ready, You'll be too."

"A haven of Hope", "Be a good Listener", "Be uncommonly Good...",
"The point of power is always in the present moment."

"Vision boards help you define and get clear about what you desire for yourself. They help you make your dreams or goals more tangible and solid. You form an energetic bond with what you really, really desire. Vision boards can act as guiding lights or north stars – helping you realize and commit to your Vision. They are fun and creative to do, however they are also very powerful magnetization and manifestation tools. Acting as little energy vortexs if you will – that tell your sub-conscious mind what to go out and bring to you. Like an order form to the universe (or whatever you want to call it).
How do you create a Vision Board? It very simple and fun. Collect together a pile of magazines, a pair of scissors, a glue stick (or tape), and some markers. You’ll also need some sort of sturdy backing (like a poster board, large sheet of paper … even a few paper bags cut open and taped together will work).
Give yourself about 30-45 minutes, in a quiet, enjoyable space. With all your materials around you – set the intention that you are going to create a vision for yourself using all of these materials. That you will flip quickly thru these magazines and find images and words that really jump out at you. That you have an emotional connection with. You may or may not want to create a time line for your vision (meaning: you may want to state the timeframe that you want to reach this vision by: i.e. 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, 5-10 years … whatever feels right for you. or, if no timeline feels right, just call it your ASAP Vision).
After setting this intention, you dive into your magazines. Using your intuitive (not your rational mind) to find images that resonate with you. Just rip out whatever jumps out at you, piling them off to the side. Do for about 15 minutes or so, or whenever the energy kind of slows down. Once you’ve got a nice stack of images … turn next to assembling them onto your poster board (or whatever backing you are using). There is no wrong or right way to create one. Just do what feels right for you. You might want to arrange your images and play around with them a bit … then finally tape or glue them down. "


Imagine A Woman....

Today was my day off for the week, and it was one of the most productive days I have had in a long time. It is amazing how much you can and want to get done when you feel well! I remember not that long ago when on my day off all I wanted to do was sleep and lay in bed...well, not today! I enjoyed running about the town!
I started out my day with a follow up appointment with my pain specialist and afterward filled my 2 of only 3 prescriptions I am now taking (A lot less than the 8 I was taking only a short time ago...and the average of 13 only a few years ago), got my oil changed, delivered product to a new client, returned some items to my Wellness Coach, and then went to our Nutrition Club and had lunch.
While at the club I was talking with some other people in the Herbalife community and they suggested some books to read until they can order in a certain book they would like me to read for Personal Development.
So, I went to Barnes and Noble and got the 2 books that were suggested along with 2 other books.
Some of the books I got are....
-Attitude Is Everything
-True You
-The Strength of Women
I will come back something I read in one of these books.... but after I went to Barnes and Noble my day continued! I went to 3 stores looking for boxes to pack, I went shopping at Target and went to the Credit Union. I then came home and packed 6 boxes!
I am just amazed at the energy I have! I cannot express in words how much Herbalife has changed my life! You would just have to see my a year ago and see me today and you would want to know my secret!
Well, back to one of the books. When I was picking through books at the book store today I opened up "The Strength of Women" to this poem that just touched me...so I had to buy this book so I can read more!!

Imagine a Woman

Imagine a woman who believes it is right and good she is a woman.
A woman who honors her experience and tells her stories.
Who refuses to carry the sins of others within her body and life.
Imagine a woman who trusts and respects herself.
A woman who listens to her needs and desires.
Who meets them with tenderness and grace.
Imagine a woman who acknowledges the past’s influence on the present.
A woman who has walked through her past.
Who has healed into the present.
Imagine a woman who authors her own life.
A woman who exerts, initiates, and moves on her own behalf.
Who refuses to surrender except to her truest self and wisest voice.
Imagine a woman who names her own god.
A woman who imagines the divine in her image and likeness.
Who designs a personal spirituality to inform her daily life.
Imagine a woman in love with her own body.
A woman who believes her body is enough, just as it is.
Who celebrates its rhythms and cycles as an exquisite resource.
Imagine a woman who honors the body of the Goddess in her changing body.
A woman who celebrates the accumulation of her years and her wisdom.
Who refuses to use her life-energy disguising the changes in her body and life.
Imagine a woman who values the women in her life.
A woman who sits in circles of women.
Who is reminded of the truth about herself when she forgets.
Imagine yourself as this woman.

--Patricia Lynn Reilly


I Am Enough!

Can I just say that I am so happy! I have so much to be grateful for. And as I reflect back on my life and its ups and downs I know that I need to share my journey...but I wonder how much of it I need to share.
This past Sunday the Relief Society lesson was AmAzInG! They went over a few topics while they had us sitting in a circle so we could all see each other.
Before we began the lesson we went around and introduced ourselves, and it actually was really nice getting to know everyone just a little bit better. The first topic covered was modesty. They discussed how important it is to dress modestly and act modestly...not just on Sundays. One of the things that stood out to me in the conversation was that we sometimes dress flashy for our own self gratification...to boost our own self confidence. I think this is so true...and this actually led into the next topic.
The next Relief Society president (we have 2 presidents because our ward is so big) got up and talked about our self-confidence and how important we all are....and how it is important to not sell ourselves short. This topic actually stirred the most within me...I will come back to this.
At the end of the lesson they had three men from the ward (keep in mind I go to a singles ward) and they came in and bore their testimonies of what they are looking for in a woman... how they respect womanhood, and us as woman should respect our own womanhood...it was actually very inspiring, and this topic one of them brought up of "respecting our womanhood" was something I have thought about over the past week as well as it was mentioned my Elder Bednar in a fireside the week prior.
That comment of "respecting your womanhood" got me thinking over that past week. Do I respect myself as a woman...as a DAUGHTER of God? Do I really believe in myself enough? Do I love myself enough? Do I accept who I am? Well...I have pondered and prayed about these questions... and the answer is yes...I am so proud to be me! I am, and I respect myself because I know without a doubt in my mind that I am a daughter of God, and I know the plan of salvation and where I WILL be after this life...cause I am His, and I AM ENOUGH...if I keep His commandments and endure to the end and accept and apply the atonement into my life. This seems like so much, but it is simple...not easy, but simple.
I cannot believe it took me all this time to realize that I love myself! And what changed you might wonder?
Well... I finally understand and accept the atonement into MY life. I have always believed in it...but I didn't feel worthy of it...and with this deeper knowledge of the atonement I have been able to apply it into my life in ways I never knew were possible. I never knew that I could actually forgive the person who took away my agency if but for a moment...but I can now...and my anger is gone, just gone and all I feel is peace.
I know that you can feel this same peace. If you are seeking peace in your life...if you have been hurt and are struggling to accept grace into your life...study the atonement, I mean...really study it! YOU ARE ENOUGH! Jesus Christ loves you, and He can lift whatever weight you carry...you just have to let Him. For me...I had to understand that I was still worth loving, that He still knew my name...that I could still have that temple marriage and family I desired most... for time and ALL Eternity! I can have it....I AM ENOUGH, I refuse to sell myself short!


An Inspiring Week!

So much has happened since I last wrote! And every night I start to write a post here on my blog and I get too tired to finish! So...here goes...
Well...Tuesday night I went to my first weight loss challenge down at the club and it was so much fun! I figured I better go since I am coaching as well now as a "Personal Health and Wellness Coach" with Herbalife. And I just have to say I am starting to love my Herbalife family here in Washington County! I get so shy in a new environment, but soon, very soon they will get to know the real me :) Beware! Bahahaha!!!
Tuesday we learned about the importance of fiber and having a healthy digestive system...and I was just so excited about what I learned that I came straight home and called my parents and gave them the whole lesson I had just learned and then as soon as I hung up the phone with them I called one of my brothers :)
Wednesday evening I went to institute and let me tell you that the first 45 minutes of the class I was so lost! I understood what he was saying, but I didn't see the importance of the doctrine. But, about halfway thru the class the spirit finally came through for me and helped me understand the importance of this intense study of the Sacrament, the Upper Room and The Passover. I cannot wait to go to church this Sunday with a whole new level of understanding of the Sacrament. I know as I ponder this subject more, the Sacrament will come to have the effect on me weekly that it is intended to have. I can't feel bad for not understanding what I didn't know....I am just so deeply filled with gratitude that the spirit speaks to me so that I can learn more and more as I go thru this life.
Thursday I went to a different kind of Herbalife meeting.  I got to hear from people in the community as they got up and shared their stories of not only of weight loss, but how the products have affected their lives on a daily bases by overcoming depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, panic attacks, fatigue, etc.
And I have not lost a ton of weight yet. But everything I listed above...was me! I have gotten off 5 of my 8 medications that were for chronic pain, migraines, sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression. I still have times where I suffer from anxiety here and there...but to actually sleep through the night is an absolute miracle. My body is ready for bed by 11:30 and has its own alarm clock at 7am! Everyone who knows me knows this is a miracle! I am the one who couldn't get out of bed at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I truly feel great, and I know I am gonna look great with time!
Anyways...back to the meeting. The stories from people in the community are just so inspiring...and the people in that meeting have so much energy and are so happy...these are the kind of people I want to be around!
I just want to thank my Herbalife Family for coaching me and giving me such great advice! And personally my coach who is always there to support me and encourage me. I just look forward to passing all this along as I go! I am so pumped and motivated! I am ready! Lets do this!